Gujarat government had launch IT/ITeS policy (2022-27) before few months giving series of incentives to companies in IT and technology sector. Portal to apply for the incentive scheme is launched today at Digital India Week summit held at Gandhinagar. URL for the new portal is
Major Incentive includes;
(i) Incentive at the rate of 25% on capex expenditure which includes office building, computers, softwares and network related capex;
(ii) Incentive at the rate of 15% on operational expenditure like lease rent, bandwidth, cloud rental, Electricity and patent expenditure for five years times;
(iii) One time incentive for additional employment generation at the rate of 50,000 per male employee or 60,000 per female employee;
(iv) Interest assistance up to 7% per annum;
(v) Assistance by way of PF payment which will be 100% in case of male employees and 75% in case of female employees.